Open source Toonkit’s tools
The “Toonkit module” is a Maya module (C ++ plugins, python tools …) we have developed to cover our needs along the way and that we use on a daily basis.
It includes plugins (Maya “Nodes” for example) that are needed to get the most out of our rigs, and particularly :
- tkSpringNode : For real time dynamics with wind, gravity and collisions.
- tkSoftIKNode : to avoid IKs “snap”
- tkWheelNode : For the wheels’ automatic rotation
… and others as needed
Note : As indicated in the Services page, these plugins are never needed for our rigs to be usable.
Only the functionality that this plugin brings would then be inaccessible, which guarantees a virtually infinite lifetime to the assets.
For animation and rigging ...
The Toonkit module contains a “picker”, with pages adapted to Peter, our “test” character that you can download here.
A specific version of the Toonkit module is usually compiled for each project, in order to add specific tools, and particularly pickers adapted to the project’s characters.

... but not solely
Among the Toonkit module tools, some go beyond the scope of rigging and offer technical answers to CG artists’ daily tasks.
They facilitate some operations that can be complex as “Sanity checking”, the execution of scripts in “batch”, creation of standardized objects, renaming / batch processing …
We decided to share our solutions in open access, with the hope they will serve the greatest number of people.
Toonkit Module Lite 1.5.37 Maya 2017
Toonkit Module Lite 1.5.37 Maya 2018
Toonkit Module Lite 1.5.37 Maya 2019
You can reach the repositories on Toonkit GitHub.
Legal Mentions
This program is a free software ; you can redistribute or modify it according to the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License (GPL) such as publish by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 3 of the license or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Please consult the GNU General Public License and the special conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
Copyright © 2011-2019 « Toonkit »